Remembering a loved one...

At one time or another, we have all experienced the grief of losing a loved one, whether human or fur-baby. We often are at a loss and desire a way to do something to honor their memory. Flowers are nice, but they only last a few days. A plant or tree is nice as well, but are you sure the recipient wants the responsibility of its care? Next time you find yourself in this situation, consider making a tax-deductible donation to "Pet Love, Inc." in memory of your loved one and know that your support allows us to continue sharing our pets love with others in need.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Adventure Camp, Spring 2017

Adventure Camp, Spring 2017 has come and gone.  Attendance from our group was up, the children and adults alike enjoyed the respite from fun and games to enjoy the dogs company.  

Wednesday April 26, 2017
This is Davis, a service-dog in training...

 4/26/2017, Molly...

 Molly doing a little exploring with her friend.  :)

Sawyer, service/therapy dog 

Tori looks like she's smiling for the camera.  
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Beezly, waiting for the children to arrive.

 Oh yeah, that's the spot!

Davis has a line forming, waiting to pet him!
 Beezly is waiting for the others to return from their canoe ride.  We opted to stay on dry land, lol.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Davis begging a ride from Tipper.

Latte & Davis said, "Let's go Tipper!"

Sawyer wants his turn as well.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Sally & Willie; The Truth About Cats and Dogs

Meet Sally the Cat, fur-sister to Willie the Toy Poodle.  He looks less than thrilled, doesn't he?  Don't let Willie's expression fool you, he gets along very well with the kitties in his life.  Sally & Willie belong to Pet Love founder and President, Emma Wallace.  Sally is her newest therapy pet, but Willie is an old hand at this and has been making visits and bringing smiles for several year.  Welcome to the group Sally!!