Remembering a loved one...

At one time or another, we have all experienced the grief of losing a loved one, whether human or fur-baby. We often are at a loss and desire a way to do something to honor their memory. Flowers are nice, but they only last a few days. A plant or tree is nice as well, but are you sure the recipient wants the responsibility of its care? Next time you find yourself in this situation, consider making a tax-deductible donation to "Pet Love, Inc." in memory of your loved one and know that your support allows us to continue sharing our pets love with others in need.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Adventure Camp, Spring 2014

Adventure Camp, spring 2014, Phoebe was taking in the view while waiting patiently for the first busload of kids to arrive on 4/22/14.  The weather was beautiful, the sun was shining and everyone had a great day!
4/24/14, the day started off quite breezy and overcast, making it rather chilly.  Phoebe was shivering uncontrollably, so we wrapped her in a beach towel to help block the wind.

Even the Chick-Fil-A cow made an appearance, but she forgot to bring free samples!

This picture was sent to us by a relative of the little boy petting Phoebe's head.  We love it when you send us pix of your family members loving on our therapy pets!!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014

When doing Pet Therapy visits, we aren't always visiting strangers.  Phoebe and her parents recently took a trip south and visited with family they hadn't seen in years.  Aunt Anna and cousins Cassie and Hunter welcomed Phoebe's presence, she even makes a good pillow.

On a recent visit to The Episcopal Church Home during the Christmas holiday, our friend Mia accompanied us to hand out candy canes to the residents.  Phoebe and Mia paused for a photo by the Christmas Tree.

 Phoebe and her handler, Kim, love visiting the girls at Maryhurst.  Phoebe often rolls over and presents her belly for rubs.

And meet Brisco.  He is our newest member in training to be a therapy pet.  He's a six month old Great Dane pup.  He starts his official schooling in January, wish him luck!!