It's fall, so that must mean it's time for Adventure Camp!!
Pet Love members, both 2- 4-legged are in attendance (or scheduled to be) everyday of the event.
In attendance Tuesday were: Kim & Phoebe, Pam & Tori, Cathy & Sadie

Phoebe & Sadie were slow to hit it off, this is about as close as they were willing to get to each other. Of course the fact that one moment Phoebe wanted to pounce on Sadie in a less than playful fashion and the next she was trying to administer her "friendship test" by bopping Sadie on the head to see how she'd react, didn't help foster any warm fuzzy feelings from Sadie towards Phoebe.

Little Tori just behaved & minded her own business.
Sadie says: Mmmm, that banana pudding was good stuff!
This is Phoebe with Alayne, one of the faithful camp volunteers.
Despite the overcast sky and cool temperatures, it's still a beautiful place to visit.
Another of the faithful voluteers.
Phoebe and one of the counselors.