Remembering a loved one...

At one time or another, we have all experienced the grief of losing a loved one, whether human or fur-baby. We often are at a loss and desire a way to do something to honor their memory. Flowers are nice, but they only last a few days. A plant or tree is nice as well, but are you sure the recipient wants the responsibility of its care? Next time you find yourself in this situation, consider making a tax-deductible donation to "Pet Love, Inc." in memory of your loved one and know that your support allows us to continue sharing our pets love with others in need.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Congratulations to Michelle Thomas for winning the gift bag we raffled off during the Million Mutt March on October 16th at Cherokee Park.
Michelle also won a gift card we raffled off in September at Bark in the Park. This is one lucky lady!!!